Thursday, March 26, 2009

Malaysia Technology Expo 2009

Malaysia Technology Expo 2009 or can be known as MTE 2009 was held in PWTC, Kuala Lumpur on the 19th till 21st February 2009.
When i went there, I found many new Malaysia Technology what were showed by the universities who invented it. Which attract my sight first was the Bio-ink technology. The research was done by UTM, Malaysia. Their objectives were to develop natural Bio-ink by using renewable and sustain able biological resources from plant resins and pigments; to produce lasting and attractive color for Ink by using natural pigments from plants that can lower the cost of production.
Another one was Sustainable production of natural dyes for textile product via submex. The invention were produced using mini pilot scale SUBMEX(10L), patent disclosure has been submitted, product—chemical free, recommended for a delicate and sensitive skin consumer, possible to scale up the process due to its low cost and sustainable technology. It was invented by MTUN.
In a conclusion, I have seen many new Malaysia Technology on Malaysia Technology Expo 2009.

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